Billboard ad on the tv truck


Are you a business, streamer or other type of content creator trying to drive traffic to your YouTube channel or livestream? The TV Truck can help!

You might be thinking that outdoor advertising for online content isn’t a good fit, but some of the biggest digital players disagree with you. Outdoor advertising is the second-fastest-growing advertising medium, with double-digit growth projected in 2022. Consumers notice billboards 50% more now than before the pandemic. Billboard advertising extends your reach and frequency and is the most efficient driver for mobile, social and digital engagement. In fact, billboard advertising drives more online activity per ad dollar spent than TV, radio, print or banner ads!

And if you don’t believe us, you can believe Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Netflix. These online-focused businesses are some of the top spenders on outdoor advertising. And thanks to the way The TV Truck works, we have a unique opportunity to combine your video or streaming presence online with our mobile, digital outdoor advertising out in the world — nationwide.

The TV Truck is proud to bring real-life consumer engagement with your YouTube channel or livestream to a neighborhood or city street near you. There's no more second-guessing whether your message will be seen. We really mean that. We'll drive all around town, sharing your content on our 11 x 6 ft. digital LED display screens. And you can see just where we're off to with our GPS Tracker, placed in every truck in our fleet. We know the helicopter mom inside of you was cheering from the rooftops when you read that.

  • Drive traffic and direct purchases 

  • Boost consumer engagement

  • Easily trackable and actionable 

  • Quick and error-free

Advertising on the Go!

By featuring QR codes directly on our LED screens, we offer an immediate opportunity for audience participation. A quick scan from a passerby enables instant interaction with your business, campaign, or event. Enhance sales, win voter attention, or provide unique content, all supported by an incredible 97% recall rate.

Take your message from static to interactive with the TV Truck now!

Locations in the US that TheTVTruck serves. "If your city or town is not listed, we'll go there too!


Take advantage of our 40+ years of experience in business-to-business and business-to-consumer advertising. Call for a free consultation!