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Our mission is to innovatively advertise and promote brands by offering high-impact outdoor digital mobile advertising nationwide. We want to help you grow your brand and increase your appeal in the marketplace!

The TV Truck is an outdoor digital mobile advertising and event company. We're big enough to make an impact and small enough to craft thoughtful campaigns for our clients. We have over 65 years of experience advising business owners on how to strategically brand and advertise their products and services. The TV Truck has been featured at numerous professional and corporate outdoor events, including Philadelphia’s Mummers Parade, the St. Patrick's Day Parade, the NFL Draft, and Villanova's NCAA National Championship Parade.

Why Statement:

Discovering the DNA of our clients, then designing a campaign to build upon their uniqueness to help grow and sustain their brand.

TV truck team members


We Are Your Brand Advocates!


Billboard ad on tv truck

New Report from Lamar Advertising Company

Over the past decade, billboard advertising has been the Second Fastest-Growing Ad Medium and it’s projected for double-digit growth in 2022.

  • Consumer’s notice of billboard advertising has grown almost 50% compared to pre-pandemic rates of notice.

  • Billboard advertising delivers superior ROI. For every $1 spent on billboard advertising, approximately $5.97 in sales is generated.

  • Billboard advertising extends reach and frequency in integrated campaigns and is the most efficient driver of mobile, social and digital engagement. The Advertising Research Foundation found that using multiple platforms in a campaign leads to a higher ROI.

  • Billboard advertising is more effective in driving consumer traffic to stores than mobile, or mobile plus desktop media.

  • Billboard advertising drives more online activity per ad dollar spent than TV, radio, print and banner ads.

The numbers simply don’t lie. Billboards are seen, noticed and remembered by consumers, more so today than ever before. Billboard advertising drives online engagement, influences purchasing decisions and extends the value of complementary marketing investments.

As the power and impact of the medium continues to grow, get in touch with us to learn how a billboard strategy can drive success and amplify the impact of your broader marketing efforts.

Featured Article

Drive Past Your Competition! - The TV Truck

Advertising on the Go!

By featuring QR codes directly on our LED screens, we offer an immediate opportunity for audience participation. A quick scan from a passerby enables instant consumer-engagement with your business, campaign, or event. Enhance sales, win voter attention, or provide unique content, all supported by an incredible 97% recall rate.

Take your message from static to interactive with the TV Truck now!

Locations in the US that TheTVTruck serves. "If your city or town is not listed, we'll go there too!